Sunday, March 28, 2010

Five Faves

I was inspired by WZ girl over at Buttercup to play along with her Meme.  Here are five things that are my favorites  right now.

1.  Fave Thing to do on my Day off:

Sit out on our balcony and swing it the hammock chair I got while in Mexico.  We have never lived upstairs before, so we've never had a balcony.  I love being above the world and looking down, with the trees and the sky so much more visible than our downstairs patio.  And nothing beats swinging gently, soaking up the sun while reading a book or taking a short nap.
2.  Fave new place to hike
The canyon near my work.  Beautiful and a great workout with the trail leading down to the arroyo.
3. Fave new item of clothing

These workout pants.  I finally got around to using a Target gift card I got for my birthday and I bought some much needed workout clothes.  I bought two different types of workout pants.  I don't care for the others at all, but these are perfect.  The fit is right, they hide a multitude of sins, and they are cool enough for me to walk in the warm weather we have been having(80 degrees here today!), without wearing shorts(no one wants to see me in shorts).

4.  Fave walking route
I have remained dedicated to the walking.  I am up to 3 and a half miles.  I've shown pictures of it before, but about a mile from our house is a lovely walking trail.  We are so lucky to live so close to some wonderful nature areas amid our suburban town. 

5.  My fave  new church I went to last night.
I think it could become my new church home, and I am thankful for the friend who brought me to it.  Thanks Joannah.

What are your five favs?

Let me know if you play along!

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