The only thing I would have changed was the drive home. Suckage. We left too late. Won't be doing that again.
I didn't take too many pictures but here are a few.
The weather was so beautiful. It wasn't windy or cold for once.
The waves were scary huge as usual
I like this picture. Too bad we are so squinty in it.
Christmas tree lot. This place was awesome. Been avery long time since we cut down a tree. I think Cameron was a baby the last time.
It was dog heaven.
Checking out the choices
Nothing about this seems like a good idea.
It actually turned out fine and the kids had a blast. O.K., I did too. But you won't be seeing pictures of that. You'll gave to take my word for it. It was fun.
Cutting down the ONE.
We put our own tree up and I love it. We haven't had a tree in two years. We got a live one and the house smells so good. All of my decorations are in storage so I got some cheap new ones at Target and went with a solid ice blue and silver theme. It's so pretty.
Now I must try very hard not to stress too much over Christmas, which I tend to do. The tree is up and some lights are outside. A couple of presents are bought and I am not buying many more this year. I must not stress about the rest of it. I spend too much time worrying about things that I don't enjoy them. I am going to try not to do that this year.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.