I'm the kind of person who can't watch the news because it makes me sad.
I'm the kind of person who wears my heart on my sleeve.
I'm the kind of person who puts my all into everything that I do, and am disappointed if I can't do it perfectly.
I'm the kind of person who tries very hard to say what I mean and mean what I say.
I'm the kind of person who gets very disappointed in other people when they don't.
I'm the kind of person who goes all out to plan a beautiful baby shower for a co-worker, then cries a little on the way home because even after all these years it's still hard to oooooh and ahhhhh over all of the cute baby clothes without thinking of Sophie.
I'm the kind of person who hides in my house all weekend because I don't have the energy to face even one person.
I'm the kind of person who lies in bed when the alarm goes off some mornings feeling like I don't have the energy to get out of bed, then gives myself a pep talk until I do.
I'm the kind of person who often has very dark thoughts on the inside but portrays a happy facade on the outside.
I'm the kind of person who takes things people do or say very personally, even when I shouldn't.
I'm the kind of person who takes self hatred and self loathing to a new level.
I'm the kind of person who can't let go of past hurts, no matter how hard I try.
I'm the kind of person who just wants everyone to get along.
I'm the kind of person who often feels left out.
I'm the kind of person who lies awake at night and can't sleep because of the terror in the world.
I'm the kind of person who cries when I'm angry.
I'm the kind of person who gets their feelings hurt easily.
I'm the kind of person who has no tolerance for people that spew hate and racism.
I'm the kind of person who wants to make everyone happy, even if trying to do so makes me stressed and unhappy.
I'm the kind of person who wants to hide under the covers of my bed until this election is over and wonders how I'll ever make it to November.
I'm the kind of person who wants to shut down my Facebook account almost daily but would miss my friends if I did.
I'm the kind of person who overthinks things times a thousand.
I'm the kind of person who feels a million feelings at once, and then nothing at all.
Sometimes it's so tiring being me, I wish I could be someone else for a just little while.