Thursday, June 14, 2012

Some pictures

The last two weeks have been busy. And draining.  I find myself so tired at the end of each day.

I always have a million blog posts in my head but never actually have time to write them. Here are just some pictures of the last month.  

We went on a picnic at our favorite walking trail on Memorial Day.  We had a wonderful time.  I love riding my bike!

We even took Gizmo, which we don't normally do because she is a menace.  No really. She is.  Do not let her cute face fool you!  Just ask our downstairs neighbor, who she barked at and chased into her house the other day.  No joke.  I think she was scarred for life!

This is how we got her there.  It was Joe's idea and I laughed in his face and told him she would *never* stay in that basket for two miles there(and back).  But you know what?  He was right! She totally stayed in the basket and actually seemed to enjoy it!  Write down the date of this because it isn't often that I use the phrase "Joe was right".  LOL.

Happy to be at the park.

I made a couple of banners for a friend's little girl's birthday.  I think they came out cute!

We laid my aunt to rest. It was very sad.

I fit into a size dress that I haven't fit into in a long time.  I have a long way to go but I am very happy with how far I have come. 

My sister showed up with a dress similar to the one I just bought.  Twins much?  

We went to the Spectrum and tried out these little cars.  Cute!

We rode the Ferris Wheel.  I am not normally a fan of the Ferris Wheel but the weather was so clear and beautiful you could see for miles and it distracted me from the height at which we were dangling precariously   :)


Dragon Boat practice started a few weeks ago.  My heart is happy. I feel a peace out on the water that I don't feel anywhere else.

Like I said, been busy!  Summer is here.  I have a whole list of things I want to do this summer.  Maybe I will post it and we'll see how many I actually get done!

1 comment:

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

Love the bike! Love the dog! Love the banners! Love the dress! Love dragon boating too!

Dislike that you are tired. Dislike that you are grieving.
