Monday, August 22, 2005

O.K. I didn't make it to my retreat today either. I am not usually such a flakey person, but when I am in so much pain it's hard just to get off the couch. It's not like I let anyone else down though. The people that I promised to drive had found another ride, since Oceanside is closer to where I live and they didn't want me to have to backtrack to pick them up. As soon as they called last night I think I knew I wouldn't be going, but I still set my alarm and made a half-hearted attempt to get up this morning. Tomorrow I have a mandatory meeting to attend, so I will have to go to work then, like it or not. Today I am planning on cleaning up a little around here. We have a lot to do before we have a home study done for the adoption. I have to get Joe's office cleaned out, and my scrapbooking area is a mess too. I am going to move the computer out into the living room so the extra bedroom can be the baby's room. I want it completely in order when they come. I know this is a few months off, but I don't want to procrastinate and there really is a lot to be done! We will probably have to get rid of the pond. It is definitely a safety issue for a toddler. We're going to rent a storage unit to put all of the crap that we want to save but don't have room for. And there is a lot of it!

P.S. My lunch with the ifertility group was fun. Only three of us were able to make it. It was nice to see them again though. I have really missed them. Out of the five of us, four have done or are doing procedures in the last month(Guess which one isn't? That's right-Me). I really do wish these women well in their efforts. For some of them it is the third or fourth time for IVF and it would be heart breakingfor them if it failed again. They are all in my prayers.

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