Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thank you for all the good thoughts regarding my headache yesterday. It is sooooo much better today. I still have some lingering pain on the left side of my neck, but it's manageable. I'm not sure if it was some kind of migraine or what. I have been having some neck problems that manifests in a headache, but nothing like this one. I'm glad to be rid of that! Still, it is definitely something worth mentioning when I go to the doctor again. I haven't done much today. Joe is at work and I'm laying on the couch in my P.J.'s watching a Little House on the Prairie Christmas special. I heart Little House on the Prairie. I would love to buy some of the seasons on DVD. It was one of my favorite shows as a child. Next on is "The Walton's Christmas." Yippee! Gotta love the Hallmark Channel! The Christmas tree is lit and it is quite cozy. Soon I'll have to start thinking about laundry and dinner, but for now I'm staying put on the couch.

1 comment:

Kylie's momma said...

Oh I so adore LHP too! Was the Christmas special the one where Laura sells her pony to get Ma a new stove? I cry EVERY year no lie! Too too cool! I can hardly wait till Kylie is old enough to watch 'em. I bought some of the sets from a junk catalog called LTD Commodities. Pretty reasonably too. Haven't seen Waltons tho'?