Sunday, May 13, 2007

I'm back

I'm home already. I actually came home yesterday, a full two nights earlier than planned. This was due mostly to the fact that they had to leave my cervix in, and I wasn't doing well in the hospital and the doctor said if I wanted to come home, I could. So come home I did. I don't regret it. I have some good pain meds and Joe is taking wonderful care of me. I don't want to protray the hospital in a negative light, and in their defense they were very busy, but at one point I had pushed my nurse call button eight times over the course of forty minutes and had received no response. Finally I got up, unhooked my I.V. from the wall and went to look for a nurse myself. This is twelve hours post surgery. My nurse showed up twenty minutes later, and I received my pain medication forty five minutes past the scheduled time. My pain level was at an eight. That's all I am going to say about it, and have been much happier at home. Some hospital stays are more pleasant than others. This one was one of the lesser. They had to leave my cervix in for reasons best not divulged on my blog(because it is gross), but supposedly it will make my recovery quicker and won't affect me much in any other way(besides having to still have yearly PAP smears) so it doesn't matter to me either way. There were a lot of adhesions and scar tissue from the endometriosis and previous surgeries to remove, so once again a two hour surgery turned into four and a half. But they were able to take out the ovaries, and uterus and fallopian tubes and completely clean out the mess inside, so I think the surgery was deemed a success. So I'm home. On Mother's Day. And I don't feel very much like celebrating. But I hope yours are going well.


Shelley said...

Welcome home Michelle. I'm sorry you had a bad hospital stay. But I do hope you have a speedy recovery.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are doing well and that you were able to post. I have been checking your site daily to see how your surgery went. Get well soon and enjoy your time off:)

JMCS said...


I am glad to hear you are doing better. Sorry things did not happen the way that they were explained to you. It's so good to hear that you are done with the surgery and now can get to feeling better. Take care and hope you are better soon.


fuzzandfuzzlet said...

I think you will be glad you left your cervix in. I helped a friend research this issue. When you remove your cervix you have problems with vaginal dryness, and other factors that can effect your sex drive.

D & S said...

I'm glad you're home ready to recover. Home is always better to be than in the hospital.

I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Joannah said...

Take it easy! I hope you enjoy a speedy recovery. :-)

Kayce said...

Glad to hear you are home. Now just relax and watch a lot of Ellen!